What Does “Show Me” Mean?

Laura Perkins
6 min readMar 21, 2023
Photo by Oğuzhan EDMAN on Unsplash

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

I am realizing that I have settled into a year that is proving to show me what type of connection and commitment I desire (presumably from my soul) in my life, and life is also showing what type of connection and commitment has grown, old, stale and downright hurtful to all involved.

So, I affirm here, that a shift is happening and I am excited to stay present as the truth of my life is shown to me, and that leads me to my musing this week which is

What does “show me” really mean,

and more importantly

how do I know when it is being shown?

I often ask god to “show me” when I am confused (and usually hurting), and I often end my daily writing or nightly prayer with” show me, show me, show me, with grace and ease thank you” I also use this term in my guiding and healing practices with others as I ask Creator to “Show Me” capital S and M because this is important this time…lol.

I feel like I know what I am asking for and I guess if I had to explain it to myself I would say the short answer is that every moment of our life is revelatory in nature and sacred to our journey and soul.



Laura Perkins

Mindful Living Coach & Spiritual Guide, supporting others, using ThetaHealing®, & practices rooted in the yogic tradition. www.lauraperkinsmindfulliving.com