Welcome To The New Paradigm

Laura Perkins
5 min readMar 14, 2023

“Knowing yourself, helps you know Creator, knowing Creator makes you limitless”

~ Vianna Stibal

This topic of how we may live in a sustained state of wonderment and in the question of who we are, and at the same time know ourselves well enough to feel safe in the ever-changing, multi-truth “reality” of our world. is one that allows my mind to bridge the science of Brian Swimme with the Spirituality of all of my mystical teachers.

I will begin with the idea of awareness. As beings, the human species has developed and continues to develop awareness. For example, I don’t only know what a hawk is, I can discern the hawk, and I can know that the hawk is not me.

Imagine what being a human may have been like 300,000 years ago, all that we know or are aware of today that we could not have known then. Swimme calls it a “bag of ideas.”

From sliced bread to the idea of God, all that we have created as a species has allowed us to expand our consciousness of who we are. Our mind has evolved into something that can know itself, This is SO COOL, right!?! And now we are not only aware of what is outside of us but what is inside of us. We have developed this amazing ability to witness ourselves within a system and within our lives. We can sense a feeling or sensation and separate it from who we are, with the…



Laura Perkins

Mindful Living Coach & Spiritual Guide, supporting others, using ThetaHealing®, & practices rooted in the yogic tradition. www.lauraperkinsmindfulliving.com