The Truth Sets You Free

Laura Perkins
4 min readFeb 20, 2024
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

“Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.”

~Fred Rogers

There is a truth within us that brings great joy- a truth that, as much as we may try, will not be denied. This kind of truth is an inner truth, and it is not only the biggest gift we have to bestow upon the world it is also the most brilliant and precious gem we possess.

The same truth can also destroy anything that is not aligned. As ideas and beliefs predicated on external power, such as the right partner, house job, etc., are dismantled, we may find a version of our life, and a version of us, become casualties of the truth.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

~ Buddha


The truth has a liberating power for many, many reasons, and I could muse on that all day. Here are a few to get your curiosity primed for your very own reasons.

  • Self-acceptance: Facing the truth about ourselves, our actions, and our circumstances allows us to accept ourselves more fully. When we acknowledge and embrace our reality, including our flaws and mistakes, we free ourselves from the burden of denial and self-deception and needing to be that which others accept.
  • Clarity: The truth provides clarity and understanding. It enables us to see situations and relationships more clearly, without distortion or illusion. With clarity comes the ability to make informed decisions and take appropriate action.
  • Authenticity: Living in alignment with the truth allows us to be authentic and genuine. When we express ourselves honestly and openly, we cultivate deeper connections with others and foster genuine intimacy in relationships.
  • Empowerment: Embracing the truth empowers us to take control of our lives. It enables us to confront challenges head-on, overcome obstacles, and pursue our goals with integrity and determination.
  • Freedom from fear: The truth frees us from the grip of fear and anxiety. When we confront our fears and acknowledge reality, we diminish their power over us. We become less afraid of the unknown and more confident in our ability to navigate life’s uncertainties.

Overall, the truth sets us free by liberating us from the constraints of falsehood, illusion, and self-deception. It empowers us to live authentically, make empowered choices, and experience greater peace and fulfillment in our lives.

“Our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with the truth.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh


  • Meditation — This is the one and foremost practice that calms my mind so that the truth may seep in without being thought of as dangerous to the construct of my life. Whether it is a guided meditation, candle gazing, or simply quiet mantra meditation, all are beneficial and unsurpassed in bringing great freedom to my mind, body, and spirit.
  • Nature — Walk, sit, listen, smell, see, and touch her. Nature is always true to herself; we sense and feel that when we are present with her. Let her show you how to be in full contact with the truth of the moment and of yourself.
  • Honoring your Truth with 100% Truthfulness — Even when it seems not to matter, trust me on this, it does matter. This practice builds trust with yourself as well as allows for a pause (as you decide) and an awareness of your very own WHY. This feeds your truth, and In essence, it becomes your new cycle. I challenge you to live one day with 100% truth (note: don’t forget the kindness).
  • Movement — Walking, yoga, or hiking are good examples. Anything that allows you to be in your body in an aware and participatory manner will do the trick. Listen to the stories you tell yourself about your body. Are they true, or are they a part of the illusion?
  • Writing — Whether it is a 5-minute morning write or an evening gratitude journal, any writing activity is key to mindful living. Do what comes easily, making sure, at some point every day, to put your hand to paper and listen.

“The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with joy are
goodness, beauty, and truth.”
~Albert Einstein

Here are some of my favorite resources for developing a practice of full contact with truth and life.
Insight Timer
The Yamas and Niyamas — Deborah Adele

In closing, I share something I wrote years ago, and it continues to be my truth:

The real truth comes from within; we do not need to search outside ourselves for it. It is present, fluid, and vibrant like a crystal-clear stream bubbling to the surface for all to enjoy. Our truest essence is beyond brilliant, alive, and limitless.

May we all be invited to cut through our illusions, delusions, and fears like a diamond cuts through glass, leaving us in the brilliance of our truest life.

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Laura Perkins

Mindful Living Coach & Spiritual Guide, supporting others, using ThetaHealing®, & practices rooted in the yogic tradition.